Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wow...people are stupid

I was listening to a podcast for a local radio station here in the northwest...(BJ Shea KISW) and they had a guest who is the creator for a website on criminal acts by those in the sport industry (not the typical stuff you see on the news..usually its more obscure unless you live where the crime occured). Most seem to me highschool related. I am amazed how stupid people are. Check it out if interested .

Along the lines of dumb people...checkout the Darwin Awards or Dumbthings websites. You think after 35yrs I would know that there are some real dumb people out there...mabye I'm one for continuing to be suprised.

My favorite one was off the Dumthings site under the 'Next time you think your having a bad day read this:' section
Swedish business consultant Ulf af Trolle labored 13 years on a book about Swedish economic solutions. He took the 250-page manuscript to be copied, only to have it reduced to 50,000 strips of paper in seconds when a worker confused the copier with the shredder.

Wow...go to the Darwin awards and read the one on "The Enema within"...WOW!! Stupid people


TooSure said...

'the enema within' is pretty funny...this proves that it is day when i absolutely have nothing to do..i want to look at all of these sites! Ha ha

rubberbucketsaysso said...

My favorite was the "prop-er job" by far!

Hot MMMama said...

I am off to take a look around. I have read the some of the Darwin Awards Book, it's awesome!

Hot MMMama said...

Loved the Terroist without enough postage on


Anonymous said...

whoah...that makes me sick about that guys manuscript..I'll have to check the other stuff out in case I just don't feel quite sick enough.

LIS G said...

oh no!!! I can't believe it!