Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Inculcation...brainwashing...(differences of)

Ok..first off this post is not intended to get anyone all defensive. I am trying to incite some thinking on a certain subject that for some....may be touchy issue.

Now as an intro..
I was having a discussion with a co-worker on some political issues...(mainly historical) and he used the word 'inculcate', I of course stopped him right there to find out what this meant..which he explained...and which I later verified (using the above link). to relate this to something which I have discussed with others in the past. Raising children, specifically relating religion and making sure that you (or others) in 'a church' (not necessarily LDS) force/coerce..etc...these young ones into believing what YOU and the OTHERS think they should. (click here for what I believe to be a worse case on videos right).

I have battled at times in the past with how as a child we sang songs...etc...etc...that 'guided' us (for lack of a better word at this point) to live a life as our elders/superiors...etc would have us live. I have discussed before how it (to me) seems almost to the point of brainwashing (scroll down to find definition) and I wonder to what extent we believe based on a song we sang over and over and over. I have been torn on the issue because although it usually isn't 'forced' on the seemed to skirt that line...(kids like to sing, participate in activities etc.....) like I said it seems to 'skirt' the issue.

Now that this new word has been inducted into my vocabulary I feel that really what is happening is 'inculcation'. But...due to the nature of some parents it can come real close to brainwashing. Now..if you have read the dictionary description of these will see that there is a very slight difference.....

Just because you believe that something is right/wrong... does this mean your children should too? Like I said it is a difficult topic because so much of the 'belief' here is in regions of faith and belief...not physical hard evidence. A child will do what the parents do because that is what they know. Many of us know such children who's parents raised them into lives of crime and whether these parents believed they were right in this case...isn't up for we don't really know...but you see my point?

Again do not post a 'defensive' comment. I am looking inspire you to think...and let me know your thoughts on the matter. More than anything I believe our children need guidance but at some point we have to let them choose..and help them reason things out for themselves. IF they so choose to not agree with our position...I believe we should allow them leniency to find their own way...and not force them to oblige because 'while your under my roof you will do what I say' mentality. I feel this stagnates spiritual and intellectual growth.

If you do your job them that rein when young...(realize I used the word rein..not run) and helping them reason through their decisions, your children 'should' have less issue's when older because they learned the lesson on a much smaller scale. (kinda like letting your kid crawl off the couch..knowing it will hurt them...rather than not being able to stop them from falling off a cliff because they didn't understand that a fall could hurt/kill them).

I believe that are society is going down the tube partly because they are doing one of two things...
  • basically 'babysitting' their own children till they can be rid of them at 18
  • forcing their child (through various methods) to do what they have decided is best for their child.
Parenting should be an active role where you 'work' with your child as they grow. It takes more effort..and vigilance. But this is what we were meant to do.

  • How do you know when you have crossed that line and have taken that choice away from your child?
  • What choices should NOT be left to a child...
  • At what age would you feel your child should be allowed to choose for themselves to NOT participate in what YOU believe in?
  • Would you be willing to let your child choose another route when they are still under your roof (with some restrictions of course...I am not talking deep end here...more along the lines of ... I don't want to go to church).
Keep it simple...stick with religion this topic goes into many aspects of life.
feel free to come up with other questions. We'll see were this goes..
Bloo out....