Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pony up people!!

Ok...both my blogs will have the same message. If you haven't read my 'anger' blog below... now would be a good time to re-read it (including comments) and get amped up.

Now...I say pony up because yesterday I received a letter from Ben indicating that after January 1st they are no longer accepting packages. Soo...he had me order a bunch of stuff that he had been contemplating...but...was going to wait on. Now that no more packages will be allowed...he moved on it. I just spent $150 last night on the few items he had requested...(last month we spent $250 on a new T.V. as his old one broke).

A great Christmas gift at this time would be a donation to recharge the funds in his account. I do not mean send him a M.O. as I already do this every month. We have chosen for all funds to be donated through his site...and then I send out a monthly stipend that he has chosen. If you are interested in setting up a "monthly" donation amount...Let me know..I am working on setting this up and will let you all know when its in place. I want to test it first...as if you want this option..you may need to have a Paypal account, but I am not positive on this one yet.

If 10 people were to donate $5 this recoups $50. so...you get my drift. If 10 people could donate $5 a month...he earns $25 each month...(since I send him $25 per month as he said for now this is plenty).

For the standard Donation...a Paypal account is NOT required. Just use a Debit or Credit Card.