Friday, November 30, 2007

Artsy Fartsy day!!

Well after checking out this site that Laura heard about at work.(check it out..its way cool what he does) I then showed Laura this you tube video...was wondering if any of you had seen it. WATCH IT TILL THE END or you wont get it.


TooSure said...

HOLY COW! That is amazing. I am so impressed. It is artists like those that i really admire. I also spent a good 45 minutes on that site and really loved the emotion and creativity that he seems to show. I loved it and added it as a link on my site. WOW! that is so neat, i am glad that you shared it.

Bloo Ruin said...

Has anyone watched the youtube video? I mentioned the other site first...maybe that was a mistake. The video kicks ASS!! I would like to send Ben(Dave) some examples of the other artists work though...since it might inspire him in another direction.

samuraijack said...

he made jazz almost seem spiritual

Hot MMMama said...

That was cool!!

Now I will check the site too.